Tuesday, June 12, 2012

24 Years and Going Strong

Unconditional love means unquestioned support. It means that no matter what happens, outside circumstances cannot change how much you care about somebody. My parents are the best example on earth of what unconditional love is and I want to honor them today, their 24th wedding anniversary.

My mom and dad still act like they are dating. They make flirty jokes and give each other kisses right there in the middle of the kitchen in front of God and everyone. When I was younger I was supremely grossed out. I mean, those are my PARENTS. But over the years I have come to realize just how much I adore that they are still so in love with each other. Sadly, it is rare to have parents like that who stay together through think and thin and love each other more every day. Some day I hope to be married for decades and still give my husband kisses in the kitchen and make flirty jokes that make my children uncomfortable. That's true love right there.

The reason my parents are still so very much in love after all these years is definitely because they have made a point to honor God with their marriage. They pray together all the time and make sure that they leave everything in their lives at God's feet. They affirm each other and speak life. They have raised their children in such a way that glorifies God and I will never take that for granted. I love God as much as I do today because of the example they have set for me. I am honored to be their daughter.

I thank God every day for giving me parents who have taught me what it means to be a couple. Everything I know about what a good marriage looks like I have learned from them. I can't wait to have with someone someday what they have with each other now. "To have and to hold, until death do us part." They said it once and they still mean it. I will say it once and I will mean it.

Thank you for being so wonderful to me by being so wonderful to each other, Mom and Dad.