Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stand Up and Speak Out

Growing up in church I was always so unsure of talking to non-Christians about my beliefs. Almost everyone around me believed the same thing as me, so there was no need to figure out a way to "share the good news". People shared it with me. We all were of one belief and mindset. I didn't know how to express it to those who hadn't experienced it before--especially when they only wanted to speak to me about it for argument's sake.

As I've grown older I have encountered all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds and let me tell you, not everyone believes the same way as me. Even when they believe in God, it sometimes is a vastly different version of the one I believe in. They view God as an angry man instead of a benevolent being. They pray to him only when they need things and are disappointed in him when they don't get instant solutions and clear answers.

The God I trust in provides for me, comforts me, and heals me. I have been through too much to believe that there is any such thing as a coincidence. When I was four years old I had E. Coli and I'm still here today. When I was in sixth grade I had West Nile Virus and I'm still here today. I have battled depression and now walk in victory of that daily. I have been handed checks for thousands of dollars right exactly when I desperately needed money. I could go on and on and on about the things that have tried to stop me from flourishing, or even existing, and on and on about the crazy ways everything just always WORKS OUT time and time again.

You don't have to believe that these things are miracles, but I sure as heck am going to. It doesn't make sense that a blood test suddenly shows different results, but sometimes it does. And if it gives me a chance to glorify the God of my salvation, I sure as heck am going to.

I was at coffee with a friend today and as we talked about everything going on in our lives lately I couldn't help but get excited. Because I get to attribute all of the good in my life to the Lord AND trust Him with the bad. He does care and he does listen. EVERYTHING is in His hands, even when it wasn't the work of His hands. We get to thank Him for His goodness while relinquishing the burdens we carry, knowing full well that He is taking care of it.
Taking care of us.

People can argue that there is no God, but they cannot argue with the miraculous evidence of Him that is sprinkled over your life. You don't have to prove that Jesus exists--you get to share the signs and wonders you have personally experienced. Nobody can argue with that.

He has done so much for us. He is doing so much for us. He will continue to do so much for us.
So stand up and speak out.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Sarah! His faithfulness is so evident in your life and I love how you express that on a daily basis. You are shaking things in our generation!
