Friday, February 3, 2012

Eyes on the Future with Your Heart on the Present

Would you still serve faithfully if blessing never came?
This morning in chapel we talked about Joseph. That man was dragged through the mud for half of his life and still stood strong to say “My God is faithful.” He was sold into slavery by his own family, wrongly thrown in jail, and ended up being highly respected in Egypt—all because he never doubted who God was to him.
God has a plan that is greater than our own. Sometimes he gives us little glimpses of it that make us excited and anxious, and then we get disappointed when it doesn’t happen right away. Things don’t fall into place like we thought they would and we end up discouraged. Just because you get a taste of the greatness in your future doesn’t mean it will happen today, tomorrow, or even next week. But the essence of faith is this: we trust in God even when everything around us tells us that we shouldn’t.
Truly being a servant means giving all of yourself regardless of the season of your life or the position you have been placed in. Focus on loving well today. Focus on forgiving well today. Focus on serving well today. Tomorrow will have its own worries.
Ministry school for me isn’t about “what are you going to be at the end of all this?”. It’s about WHO I am going to be, and if that woman serves her Lord and Savior wholeheartedly, without falter. I want to be forged as a leader. I want to be plucked from the ashes and fashioned into a driving force, showcasing the endless power of God. 
I may be weak, but His spirit is strong in me. My flesh may fail, but my God—He never will.
“I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills His purpose for me. He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me; God sends His love and His faithfulness.” (Psalms 57:2-3)

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